The number of endoclips remained the same through the planned last radiotherapy session (3.3±0.8), i.e., none were lost. All endoclips were removed after the last radiotherapy session. The average number of follow-up months was 38.9±13.2 (range 11-52). There were no procedure-related complications at discharge or follow-up. At one-year, overall recurrence-free survival was 93.3%. Two patients had recurrences at *** months and 10 months after TBPT, respectively, and salvage radical cystectomy was performed with no further recurrences. Another patient died due to metastasis 9 months after the completion of therapy. CONCLUSIONS Endoclips are reliable, safe and cost-effective as novel fiducial markers in precision-radiotherapy post-TBPT. Available at. https// Copyright® by the International Brazilian Journal of Urology.BACKGROUND It remains unclear whether specific clinical factors contribute to heterogeneity in the timing of the onset of nonfatal suicidal behavior. This knowledge could have important implications for suicide prevention. METHODS Using a nationally representative US adult sample, the second wave of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (2004-2005; n = 34,629), we compared the characteristics of 4 different suicide attempter groups those who first attempted (1) before *** years, (2) from *** to 34 years, (3) from 35 to 49 years, and (4) at 50 years or older. Specifically, DSM-IV psychiatric disorders that occurred before the first suicide attempt, childhood maltreatment experiences, parental history of psychiatric disorders, and sociodemographic characteristics were examined. RESULTS Most first nonfatal suicide attempts (85.3%) occurred before age 35 years. Compared with suicide attempts occurring from *** to 34 years, suicide attempts occurring before *** years were more strongly associated with childhood maltreatment and less str