Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy characterized by the proliferation of abnormal plasma cells in bone marrow. Flow cytometry distinguishes between normal and abnormal plasma cells by evaluating cluster of differentiation (CD) 56 and CD19 expression patterns. Moreover, immunophenotyping of mature plasma cell 1 (MPC-1) and very late antigen-5 (CD49e) identifies the maturity of MM as mature (MPC-1+, CD49e+), intermediate (MPC-1+, CD49e-), or immature (MPC-1-, CD49e-). We retrospectively examined the effects of surface marker expression and maturity subtype on overall survival (OS) and time to next treatment (TNT) among 55 patients (25 males, 30 females) with symptomatic MM. All patients were treated with regimens containing bortezomib (BOR) (n = 39) or lenalidomide (LEN) (n = 16) as the initial treatment. Median age at diagnosis was 72 years (range 36-88). The lack of CD56, an aberrant marker, was associated with significantly worse prognosis compared with CD56+ MM (median OS 24 vs. 60 months, respectively; p = 0.0050). In CD49e+ MM, defined as mature type, no significant difference was seen in TNT of the initial treatment, regardless of whether it was a BOR-based regimen or LEN + dexamethasone (Ld) therapy. On the other hand, in CD49e- MM, defined as immature/intermediate type, TNT of Ld therapy was significantly longer than that of BOR-based regimens (median TNT undefined vs. 12 months, respectively; p = 0.0043). These results suggest that Ld therapy is more effective than BOR-based therapy for CD49e- MM and thus may aid regimen-related decisions in the novel agents era.In order for computational fluid dynamics to provide quantitative parameters to aid in the clinical assessment of type B aortic dissection, the results must accurately mimic the hemodynamic environment within the aorta. The choice of inlet velocity profile (IVP) therefore is crucial; however, idealised profiles are often adopted, and the effect of IVP on hemodynamics in a dissected aorta is unclear. This study examined two scenarios with respect to the influence of IVP-using (a) patient-specific data in the form of a three-directional (3D), through-plane (TP) or flat IVP; and (b) non-patient-specific flow waveform. The results obtained from nine simulations using patient-specific data showed that all forms of IVP were able to reproduce global flow patterns as observed with 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging. Differences in maximum velocity and time-averaged wall shear stress near the primary entry tear were up to 3% and 6%, respectively, while pressure differences across the true and false lumen differed by up to 6%. More notable variations were found in regions of low wall shear stress when the primary entry tear was close to the left subclavian artery. The results obtained with non-patient-specific waveforms were markedly different. Throughout the aorta, a 25% reduction in stroke volume resulted in up to 28% and 35% reduction in velocity and wall shear stress, respectively, while the shape of flow waveform had a profound influence on the predicted pressure. The results of this study suggest that 3D, TP and flat IVPs all yield reasonably similar velocity and time-averaged wall shear stress results, but TP IVPs should be used where possible for better prediction of pressure. In the absence of patient-specific velocity data, effort should be made to acquire patient's stroke volume and adjust the applied IVP accordingly.Aleutian mink disease (AMD), caused by Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), is a very important infectious disease of mink. Currently, elimination of antibody- or antigen-positive animals is the most successful strategy for eradicating AMD, but the claw-cutting method of blood sampling is difficult to perform and painful for the animal. In this study, we aimed to establish an antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (AC-ELISA) method for the efficient detection of AMDV antigens using fecal samples. A purified mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) was used as the capture antibody, and a rabbit polyclonal antibody (pAb) was used as the detection antibody. The assay was optimized by adjusting a series of parameters. Using a cutoff value of 0.205, the limit of detection of the AC-ELISA for strain AMDV-G antigen was 2 μg/mL, and there was no cross-reaction with other mink viruses. The intra- and inter-assay standard deviations were below 0.046, and the correlation of variance (CV) values were 1.24-7.12% when testing fecal samples. Compared with conventional PCR results, the specificity and sensitivity were 91.5% and 90.6%, respectively, and the concordance rate between the two methods was 91.1%.Begomoviruses (family Geminiviridae) cause severe diseases in many economically important crops and non-cultivated plants in the warmer regions of the world. Non-cultivated weeds have been reported to act as natural virus reservoirs. In January 2016, Sida plants with yellow mosaic symptoms were found at the edge of an agricultural field in Gujarat, India. Sequence analysis of the viral genomic components cloned from a diseased Sida plant indicated the presence of a distinct monopartite begomovirus (proposed as sida yellow mosaic Gujarat virus) along with a betasatellite (ludwigia leaf distortion betasatellite) and an alphasatellite (malvastrum yellow mosaic alphasatellite). Our results emphasize that this weed may harbor a begomovirus-alphasatellite-betasatellite complex. This host serves as a potential source of virus inoculum, which can be transmitted by whiteflies to other cultivated crops. The new da Vinci Single-Port (SP) robot is a single-arm four-channel robotic system well suited for endoluminal surgery. We report our initial experience performing SP robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery (SP rTAMIS) for rectal neoplasms. Under Institutional Review Board approval, two patients with rectal neoplasms were prospectively enrolled for elective SP rTAMIS. The primary endpoint was to report the safety and feasibility of successful procedure completion with the SP robot. Secondary endpoints included patient characteristics and perioperative metrics. Both patients underwent successful SP rTAMIS resection of rectal neoplasms without intraoperative complications or conversions. The lesions were 4.0cm and 3.0cm in size, located 6cm and 7cm cephalad to the anorectal ring. Excisions were full thickness with no piecemeal extractions or specimen fragmentation. Estimated blood loss was 0mL and 30mL. The mean excised area was 13.4cm (22.7cm and 9.0cm ). The mean docking time was 5.25min (range 2-8min) and mean console time was 122.