Examine good tissue practices as relates to in vitro fertilization, biopsying, and vitrificationto compare current knowledge of ova, sperm, and embryos as vectors for disease transmission as it relates to our current knowledge regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Unknown risks relating to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and sperm, ova, and embryos necessitate a reexamining of how human IVF is performed. Over the last decade, improvements in cryosurvival and live birth outcomes have been associated with zona pellucida breaching procedures (e.g., blastocyst collapsing and biopsying). In turn, today embryos are generally no longer protected by an intact zona pellucida when vitrified and in cryostorage. Additionally, high security storage containers have proven to be resilient to potential cross-contamination and reliable for routine human sperm freezing and embryo vitrification.Several options to current IVF practices are presented that can effectively mitigate the risks of cross-contamination and infection due to the current Covid-19 pandemic or other viral exposures. The question remains; is heightened security and change warranted where the risks of disease transmission likely remain negligible?Our understanding of the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris is still evolving. It is known that multiple factors impact acne pathophysiology, including genetic, hormonal, inflammatory, and environmental influences. Because of its implications in many of these factors, diet has been a part of the acne discussion for decades. Several studies have evaluated the significance of the glycemic index of various foods and glycemic load in patients with acne, demonstrating individuals with acne who consume diets with a low glycemic load have reduced acne lesions compared with individuals on high glycemic load diets. Dairy has also been a focus of study regarding dietary influences on acne; whey proteins responsible for the insulinotropic effects of milk m