If you want to drive, then you are going to have to go car shopping at some point. A lot of people don't really know what they're getting themselves into when going car shopping. Take the mystery out of looking for a new or used car by following the handy article below. Do not allow yourself to buy the first car that you see, even if it seems like it would be perfect for you. There are so many vehicles out there for sale that buying the first one may cause you to lose out on making a much better deal on a car you may like a bit more. Start your car shopping online. There is a wide variety of cars and car information available online. Research vehicles you're interested in before going to the car lot. By using the Internet, it is possible to come up with ratings, specifications, MPG, size, resale value and much more. Most salespeople have monthly quotas they need to meet. That's why it pays to shop for cars at the end of the month. Salesmen who have not met their quota are going to want to make one more sale. This additional pressure will help give you a little more room for lowering the asking price. Always take any used car you are thinking of buying to a mechanic that you trust. Do not take the dealers word that the car is in good condition. They might have only owned the car for a few days or bought it from an auction. They really have very little knowledge of the vehicle you are trying to buy. An auto show is a great way to understand the type of car that you desire. These shows provide you with an opportunity to research and compare many vehicles side-by-side. You will also get the opportunity to talk to a lot of car experts all in the same place. You will have a better idea of what you want in a car. Never agree to pay the asking price! There are few cars for sale out there that do not have some room for negotiation in the price. When have researched the vehicle, inspected it and given it your appr