Moreover, when confronted with a transition from a softer to a stiffer matrix, pollen tubes from N. tabacum display a greater ability to penetrate into a stiffer matrix compared to pollen tubes from L. longiflorum, even though the maximum force generated by pollen tubes from N. tabacum (11 µN) is smaller than the maximum force generated by pollen tubes from L. longiflorum (36 µN). These findings demonstrate a mechano-sensitive growth behavior, termed here durotropic growth, that is only expressed in pollen tubes from plants with a solid or semi-solid transmitting tract and thus may contribute to an effective pollen tube guidance within the pistil. copyright, serif 2020 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.One of the biggest challenges in clonal propagation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is difficulty of rooting. Adventitious root initiation and development are the critical steps in the cutting and layering process of grapevine, but the molecular mechanism of these processes remains unclear. Previous reports have found that microRNA (miRNA)-encoded peptides (miPEPs) can regulate plant root development by increasing the transcription of their corresponding primary miRNA (pri-miRNAs). Here, we report the role of a miPEP in increasing adventitious root formation in grapevine. In this study, we performed a global analysis of miPEPs in grapevine, and characterized the function of vvi-miPEP171d1, a functional, small peptide encoded by pri-miR171d. There were three small open reading frames in the 500 bp upstream sequence of pre-miR171d. One of them encoded a small peptide, vvi-miPEP171d1, which could increase the transcription of vvi-MIR171d. Exogenous application of vvi-miPEP171d1 to grape tissue culture plantlets promoted adventitious root development by activating the expression of vvi-MIR171d. Interestingly, neither exogenous application of the vvi-miPEP171d1 peptide nor ov