Symptoms of ADHD in Adults ADHD (formerly known as the name ADD) can cause problems at work, school, and personal life. The disorder typically begins in the early years of childhood. To get a diagnosis it is necessary to have symptoms for at least six months and they must interfere with your life in a variety of settings. 1. Trouble focusing Are you constantly distracted or agitated while you sleep or work? You could be suffering from symptoms of ADHD. You could also be suffering from symptoms of other mental health issues or physical issues. It is important to get an in-depth assessment from an expert in mental health. suffering from ADHD often miss deadlines and do not complete their tasks due to having difficulties staying focused, organized and on task. This can be a challenge for your colleagues and family members to manage. Stress can result from trying to manage your ADHD symptoms while also managing the demands of daily life. This could exacerbate your symptoms. For example, Sarah had a meeting scheduled for seven at seven. She knew she had to leave the house earlier, but each morning she underestimated the time it would take to get ready. Then she arrived late for work. The cycle continued and she felt stressed and unable to function at work or with her relationships. You can manage your ADHD symptoms with routines, structure and planning. Use a calendar or planner to set reminders, and break tasks down into smaller pieces. Listen to music with no lyrics or with a white noise machine to help you stay focused and reduce distracting noises. Keep your workspace clean to reduce visual distractions. 2. Trouble Keeping Organized Are you susceptible to forgetting important appointments or losing track of your schedule? Are your home or office areas messy and unorganized? You may get distracted while working or reading. This could result in rushed completion