Walking like many other actions of a human is controlled by the brain through the nervous system. In fact, if a problem occurs in our brain, we cannot walk correctly. Therefore, the analysis of the coupling of brain activity and walking is very important especially in rehabilitation science. The complexity of movement paths is one of the factors that affect human walking. For instance, if we walk on a path that is more complex, our brain activity increases to adjust our movements. This study for the first time analyzed the coupling of walking paths and brain reaction from the information point of view. We analyzed the Shannon entropy for electroencephalography (EEG) signals versus the walking paths in order to relate their information contents. According to the results, walking on a path that contains more information causes more information in EEG signals. A strong correlation (p= 0.9999) was observed between the information contents of EEG signals and walking paths. Our method of analysis can also be used to investigate the relation among other physiological signals of a human and walking paths, which has great benefits in rehabilitation science. According to the results, walking on a path that contains more information causes more information in EEG signals. A strong correlation (p= 0.9999) was observed between the information contents of EEG signals and walking paths. Our method of analysis can also be used to investigate the relation among other physiological signals of a human and walking paths, which has great benefits in rehabilitation science.Primary segmental intestinal volvulus is a rare condition that may affect neonates. This condition occurs when a loop of bowel torses around the axis of its mesentery without any other abnormality or malrotation. In the earlier stages, the diagnosis can be challenging due to the lack of specific clinical and radiographic signs. Prompt surgical management is critical a