The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is an anatomically complex structure with high demands on spatial and contrast resolution in imaging. The central, predominantly avascular articular disc can be distinguished from the ligamentous, vascularized periphery. Imaging methods include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, preferably contrast-enhanced) as well as MR and computed tomography (CT) arthrography. While high-resolution MRI represents the standard diagnostic tool for the TFCC in general, arthrographic imaging is particularly useful for assessment of the foveal (proximal) lamina of the TFCC. In radiological reporting, the convergence of the TFCC periphery towards the ulnar styloid process and the ulnar fovea must be considered. The Palmer classification is suitable for evaluating lesions of the articular disc, whereas the Atzei classification is superior for lesions of the ulnar TFCC insertions. Use of a high-resolution examination technique and anatomy-based image interpretation are important for reliable MRI of the TFCC. Use of a high-resolution examination technique and anatomy-based image interpretation are important for reliable MRI of the TFCC. The first year of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has already affected our public health care system to an enormous extent and will continue to do so in the future. Otorhinolaryngologists (ORLs) are suspected to be at high risk of infection, due to the high viral load in the mucosa of the upper airways. The current review evaluates the impact of the pandemic on ORLs' activities and assesses the risk infection. Aselective literature research was conducted using relevant English and German terms for ORL, SARS-CoV‑2, risk, and infection at PubMed, medRxiv, and bioRxiv, as well as in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt and on the websites of the Robert Koch Institute and the Johns Hopkins University. Protection recommendations for ORL include general hygiene measures and wearing KN95 masks for routine professional activities. When in contact with coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19)patients, it is recommended to extend the personal protective equipment by eye protection, gloves, cap, and gown. International otorhinolaryngology societies have released guidelines for procedures (e.g., tracheostomy, sinus surgery), propagating personal protection for the surgical team and reduction of aerosols. Testing for SARS-CoV‑2 in patients and medical staff can contribute to reducing the risk of infection. Vaccination would provide some additional protection for ORLs and other health care professionals with increased exposure to aerosols. There is increasing evidence that ORLs are at ahigh risk of contracting SARS-CoV‑2. Consequent personal protection, frequent testing of patients and health care professionals, and the promised SARS-CoV‑2 vaccinations may provide adequate protection for highly exposed persons. Consequent personal protection, frequent testing of patients and health care professionals, and the promised SARS-CoV‑2 vaccinations may provide adequate protection for highly exposed persons. Gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases is associated with an extremely poor prognosis. Developed multimodal treatment concepts, which include a combination of perioperative systemic treatment and cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), show promising results with respect to improvement of the long-term survival. This article contains areview of the literature of published studies on the topic of gastric cancer and peritoneal metastasis. The prognosis of patients with gastric cancer peritoneal carcinomatosis shows an extremely limited median survival of 7months under palliative second-line systemic treatment. The median survival time increased to 12months with cytoreductive surgery and in combination with HIPEC showed a positive effect on survival in individual studies. Treatment recommendations for patients with peritoneal metastases of gastric cancer should be carried out by experts in surgical reference centers. Treatment recommendations for patients with peritoneal metastases of gastric cancer should be carried out by experts in surgical reference centers.The phragmoplast separates daughter cells during cytokinesis by constructing the cell plate, which depends on interaction between cytoskeleton and membrane compartments. Proteins responsible for these interactions remain unknown, but formins can link cytoskeleton with membranes and several members of formin protein family localize to the cell plate. Progress in functional characterization of formins in cytokinesis is hindered by functional redundancies within the large formin gene family. We addressed this limitation by employing Small Molecular Inhibitor of Formin Homology 2 (SMIFH2), a small-molecule inhibitor of formins. Treatment of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) tissue culture cells with SMIFH2 perturbed localization of actin at the cell plate; slowed down both microtubule polymerization and phragmoplast expansion; diminished association of dynamin-related proteins with the cell plate independently of actin and microtubules; and caused cell plate swelling. Another impact of SMIFH2 was shortening of the END BINDING1b (EB1b) and EB1c comets on the growing microtubule plus ends in N. tabacum tissue culture cells and Arabidopsis thaliana cotyledon epidermis cells. The shape of the EB1 comets in the SMIFH2-treated cells resembled that of the knockdown mutant of plant Xenopus Microtubule-Associated protein of 215 kDa (XMAP215) homolog MICROTUBULE ORGANIZATION 1/GEMINI 1 (MOR1/GEM1). This outcome suggests that formins promote elongation of tubulin flares on the growing plus ends. Formins AtFH1 (A. thaliana Formin Homology 1) and AtFH8 can also interact with EB1. Besides cytokinesis, formins function in the mitotic spindle assembly and metaphase to anaphase transition. Our data suggest that during cytokinesis formins function in (1) promoting microtubule polymerization; (2) nucleating F-actin at the cell plate; (3) retaining dynamin-related proteins at the cell plate; and (4) remodeling of the cell plate membrane.