The association between soil loss and convex topography indicates that tillage-induced erosion is an important driver of soil loss, yet tillage erosion is not simulated in models used to assess nationwide soil loss trends in the United States. We estimate that A-horizon loss decreases crop yields by 6 ± 2%, causing $2.8 ± $0.9 billion in annual economic losses. Regionally, we estimate 1.4 ± 0.5 Pg of carbon have been removed from hillslopes by erosion of the A-horizon, much of which likely remains buried in depositional areas within the fields.Neural circuits are structured with layers of converging and diverging connectivity and selectivity-inducing nonlinearities at neurons and synapses. These components have the potential to hamper an accurate encoding of the circuit inputs. Past computational studies have optimized the nonlinearities of single neurons, or connection weights in networks, to maximize encoded information, but have not grappled with the simultaneous impact of convergent circuit structure and nonlinear response functions for efficient coding. Our approach is to compare model circuits with different combinations of convergence, divergence, and nonlinear neurons to discover how interactions between these components affect coding efficiency. We find that a convergent circuit with divergent parallel pathways can encode more information with nonlinear subunits than with linear subunits, despite the compressive loss induced by the convergence and the nonlinearities when considered separately.Behaviors that rely on the hippocampus are particularly susceptible to chronological aging, with many aged animals (including humans) maintaining cognition at a young adult-like level, but many others the same age showing marked impairments. It is unclear whether the ability to maintain cognition over time is attributable to brain maintenance, sufficient cognitive reserve, compensatory changes in network function, or so