Mesothelioma Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Patients with mesothelioma require costly treatment. When negotiating settlements, attorneys look at the cost of previous and future medical expenses to ensure patients can afford their treatment. Many asbestos manufacturers went bankrupt due to massive asbestos litigation. Companies that were sued for asbestos-related damages were filed in multidistrict litigation (MDL) courts at the federal level. The History of Asbestos Class Action Lawsuits The mesothelioma asbestos cancer is caused by exposure to the dangerous material. It is a serious disease and victims require financial compensation to pay for their expenses for medical treatment and loss of income. Mesothelioma sufferers can pursue legal compensation through a number of avenues including an individual lawsuit, asbestos trust fund claims, or VA benefits. Mesothelioma patients should avoid class action lawsuits because the disparity in cases is too wide to allow a settlement for all. There isn't a single asbestos company that is accountable for the disease, which can make the process more difficult. Although it was known that asbestos could cause serious health problems in the 1920s The first asbestos-related lawsuits did not start to appear until the 1980s. Companies that used and produced asbestos were aware that their product was associated with lung diseases such as mesothelioma but they continued to deny and conceal it. Defendants tried to avoid liability by relying on legal rulings which limit the types of legal claims that victims may make. They also paid for research, and published papers to help them defend themselves against asbestos litigation. These findings have been exposed and courts have rejected these tactics. Asbestos companies, for instance have manipulated data to support the position that there is no direct link between asbestos and mesothelioma. These findings have been rebuffed in court by experts w