The Enterobacteriaceae and generic Escherichia coli are routinely enumerated in foods as part of product release criteria, or in the case of swabs, for environmental monitoring. Microbiologique Microfilm™ EBEc is intended to provide a rapid and easy-to-use method for simultaneous enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli on foods and environmental surfaces. Methods This study evaluated the performance of Microfilm™ EBEc against ISO methods (ISO 21528-22017 for Enterobacteriaceae and ISO 16649-2 2001 for E. coli) in 20 food matrixes and two environmental surfaces. Inclusivity, exclusivity, lot-to-lot reproducibility, ruggedness and stability studies were also performed on Microfilm™ EBEc. No significant differences and high correlation coefficients (R2) were observed between the Microfilm™ EBEc and the corresponding ISO methods in spiked food matrixes and environmental samples. Inclusivity studies showed expected results for all the E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae strains tested. In terms of exclusivirresponding ISO methods for enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli. Highlights Microfilm™ EBEc offers a convenient and relatively fast test method for simultaneous enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli in 24 h and has an advantage over the corresponding ISO methods that require two assays on the same sample for enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli Gram-negative indicator groups. The emulsion induced by emulsion breaking (EIEB) procedure was previously reported for the extraction of copper, iron, manganese, and nickel from liquid oil samples such as vegetable oil. To optimize the EIEB procedure for determination of copper, iron, manganese, and nickel in solid oil (margarine) samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS). The extraction procedure uses a surfactant in nitric acid to form an emulsion followed by heating to break the emulsion. Optimization included variation of the test portion size, the type and concentration of the surfactant, the concentration of nitric acid in the aqueous solution, the emulsion agitation time, heating temperature, and the time required to break the emulsion. Mean element concentrations of 11 margarine samples were in the following ranges Cu 0.031-0.131 µg/g, Fe 5.7-24.9 µg/g, Mn 0.542-1.11 µg/g, and Ni 0.108-0.134 µg/g. Under the optimized extraction conditions, the detection limits (µg/kg) were 4.8, 13, 1.5, and 23 for Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni, respectively. The accuracy of the extraction procedure was determined by comparison to commonly used microwave digestion procedure. The EIEB results were not statistically different from the microwave digestion results when analyzed by GFAAS as determined by the statistical tests. The EIEB procedure was shown to be equivalent to the commonly used microwave digestion procedure for extraction of analytes from margarine samples. The optimized EIEB extraction procedure is simple, rapid, low cost, and environmentally friendly. It has improved detection limits and allows calibration with aqueous standards. The optimized EIEB extraction procedure is simple, rapid, low cost, and environmentally friendly. It has improved detection limits and allows calibration with aqueous standards. Actero™ Salmonella Enrichment Media1 (Actero™ Salmonella) is a culture broth developed to recover Salmonella spp. from foods and environmental surfaces. Performance of Actero™ Salmonella broth has already been assessed and validated (AOAC Performance Tested MethodSM 041403) for the detection of Salmonella spp. in various foods, feeds and environmental samples. This study aimed to validate the performance of a modified version of Actero™ Salmonella broth by incorporating one of the two liquid supplements into the powdered formula. Inclusivity, exclusivity, stability, and lot-to-lot studies were carried out. Raw ground beef, chicken carcass rinse, dry pet food and stainless steel samples were enriched for 14-20 h at 35-39°C and analyzed using real-time PCR assay as well as by direct plating. The Probability of Detection assay confirmed the equivalent performance of the alternative methods as compared to the reference methods. All Salmonella strains, except Salmonella II 57 z29-, were able to grow in Actero™ Salmonella broth. One-half of the non-target strains did not grow in Actero™ Salmonella broth, whereas the atypical for Salmonella growth was observed for other non-target microorganisms subsequently plated onto selective and differential agars. Lot-to-lot consistency was demonstrated for three consecutively manufactured lots of the broth. The liquid broth was proven to be stable at 4°C for up to 9 weeks of storage. The incorporation of one of the two specific supplements into a powdered formula of Actero™ Salmonella broth made it more convenient to use without compromising the performance and accuracy. The incorporation of one of the two specific supplements into a powdered formula of Actero™ Salmonella broth made it more convenient to use without compromising the performance and accuracy. The glycopeptide antibiotics are a class of antimicrobial drugs that are an important alternative for cases of bacterial infections resistant to penicillins, besides being able to be used to treat infections in people allergic to pencilin. They have great activity against Gram-positive microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), by inhibiting the cell wall synthesis. There are many analytical methods in the literature for determination of antimicrobial glycopeptide vancomycin in different matrixes that are very effective; however, all of them use toxic solvents, contributing to the generation of waste, causing damage to the environment and to the operator, as well as increased costs of analysis. The most prevailing method found was high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), followed by microbiological assays and, in less quantity, spectrometric methods. The chromatographic methods use organic solvents that are toxic, such as acetonitrile and methanol, and buffer solutions, that can damage the equipment and the column.