When faced with an unsafe or emergency situation, being able to quickly and discreetly alert law enforcement and first responders quickly is critical for saving lives. A panic button for lone workers may provide that important safeguarding effect and be lifesaving if used during such circumstances. As it is essential that employees remain safe, it is also crucial that any lone worker safety device comes equipped with an effective security solution. Not only does this demonstrate how much the company values the wellbeing of its staff members but it can also serve as a powerful symbol that the business cares. As such, conducting an exhaustive risk analysis on each employee in order to assess what risks they face as well as potential incidents they could potentially encounter is highly recommended; developing a unique plan of action per individual worker. Though this might seem obvious, lone worker safety solutions often fall through the cracks due to misinformation or oversight. Therefore, it's crucial that any plan to integrate a panic button with other measures includes detailed training and support so all employees understand its features fully. Marisa was working alone in a boutique clothing store when she noticed an intimidating individual approaching. Without alerting any monitors or store managers, she discreetly activated her lone worker device panic button to send an alert signaling for help to be dispatched quickly - enabling her to continue serving the customer while remaining calm knowing help is always at her fingertips. A lone worker panic button is just one component of an effective safety solution for solo workers, which should include an efficient check-in process and the capability for employees to raise alarm if they become incapacitated (via man-down/no-movement sensors or timer countdown). When combined with other features like GPS tracking or paging