Treadmill Desks Promote Wellness in the Workplace A treadmill desk is a desk for office use on the top of a treadmill that allows the user to walk while working. It might seem like a kooky idea but it's actually effective in improving productivity and encouraging wellbeing in the workplace. Salo employees who utilize treadmill desks have been praised for their positive impact on health and performance at work. The reasons for using treadmills at the desk varied, but most were health-related. Health Benefits A treadmill desk can be an excellent way to incorporate more movement into your workday. It will also help you maintain good posture and boost your thermogenesis. These workstations let you do numerous business tasks, such as Skype calls, emails or web-based research, and even typing - while walking at a slower pace. It takes a bit of practice to get used to using a treadmill for work, since it can shake and shake and. Many manufacturers offer specially-designed units that keep the speed at a comfortable level and stop vibrations. It's difficult to determine how much weight could be shed with treadmill desks. However, the fact that it helps you burn calories and move around can help you combat the negative health consequences of a sedentary life style. Studies have shown that prolonged periods of sitting can raise your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Treadmill desks can also help improve your mental health by increasing your mood and decreasing stress levels. This is particularly true if you opt to walk at a slower pace. The treadmill's slope will boost your energy and provide you with an instant boost of energy. This can lead to increased productivity. Another benefit of using a treadmill desk is that it may help you lose weight. In a study of a brief duration, obese participants who used the treadmill desk at a speed of 1 mph burned