Anyone who rides a bike in Thailand knows that good brakes and the ability to see behind you is essential to survival. The Renter agrees to the debiting of the amount of the excess, the security deposit and the costs (see article 2.2.2) incurred as a result of the damage or theft of the rented Vehicle to his credit card account. See our FAQ page for more info on our insurance coverage. If you change course or need info on the next gas station, this will be a lifesaver. In this case, the deposit on the reservation will be retained. are delivered equipped with accessories (top case, side cases, protective boot, etc.) which are considered in this contract to be an integral part of the rental. In this case, the Hirer will offer the client a replacement vehicle provided that a vehicle from the fleet is available. Changes are free of charge but do not entitle the client to a refund of the difference if the client shortens the duration or if the client removes an option. The client may cancel the reservation by right. The Renter accepts that the Hirer may deduct the sums due for the additional costs from his bank account via his credit card. The Renter may be authorised to drive outside Corsica in the countries listed on the international motor insurance card (green card) with and only with the written agreement of the Hirer. If the Renter wishes to keep the Vehicle beyond the period initially agreed in the Rental Agreement, he must obtain the prior agreement of the Hirer. They offer a wide range of motorbike options with engine sizes ranging from 110cc to 300cc, with rental prices starting at 150,000 VND. has plenty on offer besides beautiful scenery such as very cheap taxi, tram, great food, beautiful beaches and interesting activities for example climbing, kayaking. It is not hard to pass and get authorized. The c