We report a 1-day-old girl who was affected by peritonitis and bacteremia caused by Clostridium tertium following perforation of congenital intestinal atresia. Splenic infarction was also suspected during C. tertium bacteremia. C. tertium was identified by using mass spectrometry and 16S rRNA sequencing. This patient was successfully treated with emergency laparotomy and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Little is known about hospitalization in African adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV (PHIV+ adolescents). We described the incidence and causes of hospitalization in participants enrolled in the Cape Town Adolescent Antiretroviral Cohort in South Africa. Data collected from July 2013 to October 2018 from PHIV+ and HIV- adolescents were analyzed. Participants were assessed every 6 months and data on intercurrent hospitalization were abstracted. Causes of hospitalizations were classified according to ICD-10 codes. Descriptive statistics, time-to-event analysis and Poisson regression were used to describe causes and incidence and to determine incidence rate ratios for factors associated with hospitalization. Five hundred fifteen PHIV+ and 109 HIV- participants had a median follow-up of 4.1 years [interquartile range (IQR) 3.7-4.6]. At enrollment HIV+ participants had a median duration of ART of 7.6 years (IQR 4.6-9.2), median CD4 count of 713 cells/mm (IQR 561.0-957.5) and 387 (75%) had a viral load <50 copies/mL. There were 149 hospital admissions over 64 months. Crude incidence rates for hospitalization were 6.6 [95% confidence interval (CI) 5.7-7.8] and 2.2 (95% CI 1.2-4.3) per 100-person-years (P = <0.01) in HIV + and HIV-, respectively. Ninety of 149 (60%) admissions in HIV+ participants were classified as non-infectious, 36/149 (24%) were infectious and 23/149 (16%) were "other HIV-related" or "unknown." Older age (15-19 years) and maintaining a CD4 >500 cells/cm were associated with decreased risk of hospitalization adjusted incidence rate ratios of 0.61 (CI 0.44-0.86, P = <0.01) and 0.68 (CI 0.49-0.94, P = 0.02), respectively. PHIV+ adolescents had a high incidence of hospitalization despite ART. Strategies addressing infectious and non-infectious morbidity must be strengthened. PHIV+ adolescents had a high incidence of hospitalization despite ART. Strategies addressing infectious and non-infectious morbidity must be strengthened.We highlight 2 cases of immunocompetent pediatric patients diagnosed with osteomyelitis and cellulitis attributed to Aeromonas hydrophila. One case had a direct water source; however, the second case occurred following a wild hog bite. Both required fluoroquinolone treatment and demonstrated the need to consider A. hydrophila in patients with water exposure, animal bites and initial antibiotic failure. It is generally assumed that optical coherence tomography (OCT) cannot be used to diagnose glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON) in high myopes. However, this study presents evidence that there is sufficient information in OCT scans to allow for accurate diagnosis of GON in most eyes with high myopia. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that glaucomatous damage can be accurately diagnosed in most high myopes via an assessment of the OCT results. One hundred eyes from 60 glaucoma patients or suspects, referred for OCT scans and evaluation, had corrected spherical refractive errors worse than -6 D and/or axial lengths ≥26.5 mm. An OCT specialist judged whether the eye had GON, based upon OCT circle scans of the disc and cube scans centered on the macula. A glaucoma specialist made the same judgement using all available information (eg, family history, repeat visits, intraocular pressure, 10-2 and 24-2 visual fields, OCT). A reference standard was created based upon the glaucoma specialist's, which includes taking into consideration myopia related OCT artifacts and segmentation errors, as well as PPA, ERM, PIRD, and TD.Though overt sexism is decreasing, women now experience subtle, often unconscious, gender bias as microaggressions. The authors sought to explore the prevalence and impact of the sexist microaggressions female surgeons experience, using a sequential exploratory mixed methods approach (January 2018-April 2018), to identify opportunities for education and prevention. First, all resident, fellow, and attending female surgeons at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC) were invited to participate in focus groups conducted by experienced moderators using a semistructured interview guide based on the 7 Sexist Microaggressions Experiences and Stress Scale (Sexist MESS) domains. Qualitative analysis was performed using line-by-line manual coding to identify themes aligned with the Sexist MESS domains as well as other gender bias experiences of female surgeons. Next, a survey was sent to all resident, fellow, and attending female surgeons at the UNM HSC, which included the Sexist MESS questionnaiorted as often perpetuating gender bias, and the efficacy of possible interventions.The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency that demands leadership throughout the health care system. Leadership is the ability to guide a team or organization toward a stated goal or objective. In addition to hospital-wide leadership, there is need for leadership at the level of medical teams. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/liraglutide.html Resident leadership is essential to ensure team function and patient care, yet residents are often overlooked as valuable leaders. This Perspective argues that residents can demonstrate leadership during a public health crisis by creating a culture of emotional intelligence in their medical teams. Emotional intelligence has been identified as a critical aspect of leadership and consists of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. In psychiatry, patient interactions depend upon psychiatrists demonstrating a high level of attention to their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as well as those of the patient to communicate in a way that demonstrates both understanding and empathy. In this Perspective, a psychiatry resident uses expertise in emotional intelligence to recommend residents (1) be mindful, (2) ask and listen, (3) establish safety, and (4) unite around a common goal. These practical recommendations can be immediately implemented to increase emotional intelligence on medical teams to improve team function and patient care. Emotional intelligence is valuable at all levels of leadership, so hospital leadership and program directors should also heed these suggestions. While these recommendations are not unique to COVID-19, they are of paramount importance during the pandemic.