Three years after the introduction of PCV13 in the NIP with an uptake of >95%, the proportion of PCV13 serotypes causing IPD in adults stabilized in Portugal. The direct vaccination of adults may be important in preventing IPD in this age group.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the second most common leukemia among children. Although significant progress in AML therapy has been achieved, treatment failure is still associated with poor prognosis, emphasizing the need for novel, innovative therapeutic approaches. To address this major obstacle, extensive knowledge about leukemogenesis and the complex interplay between leukemic cells and their microenvironment is required. The tremendous role of this bone marrow microenvironment in providing a supportive and protective shelter for leukemic cells, leading to disease development, progression, and relapse, has been emphasized by recent research. It has been revealed that the interplay between leukemic cells and surrounding cellular as well as non-cellular components is critical in the process of leukemogenesis. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of recently gained knowledge about the importance of the microenvironment in AML whilst focusing on promising future therapeutic targets. In this context, we describe ongoing clinical trials and future challenges for the development of targeted therapies for AML.The coach-created motivational climate influences variations in athletes' motivation and emotional experiences. The present study aimed to examine social environmental antecedents of athletes' emotions. Participants (N = 262, 52% female, M age = 22.75 ± 6.92) completed questionnaires assessing perceptions of coach-created motivational climates, goal orientations, motivation regulations, and emotions. The mediation effects of goal orientations (i.e., task/ego) and motivation regulations (i.e., autonomous/controlled) on the relationship between motivational climate (i.e., empowering/disempowering) and emotions (i.e., happiness, excitement, anxiety, dejection, and anger) were examined. Structural equation modeling revealed positive direct effects of perceptions of an empowering motivational climate on happiness. Indirect effects of empowering climate to happiness and excitement via task orientation and autonomous motivation emerged. Perceptions of a disempowering climate positively predicted anxiety, dejection, and anger via ego orientation and controlled motivation. Overall, the findings have implications for coach education as they highlight the importance of creating more empowering environments and avoiding or reducing social comparisons.Diabetic foot wound healing is a major clinical problem due to impaired angiogenesis and bacterial infection. Therefore, an effective regenerative dressing is desiderated with the function of promoting revascularization and anti-bacteria. Herein, a multifunctional injectable composite hydrogel was prepared by incorporation of the cerium-containing bioactive glass (Ce-BG) into Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogel. The Ce-BG was synthesized by combining sol-gel method with template method, which maintained spherical shape, chemical structure and phase constitution of bioactive glass (BG). The Ce-BG/GelMA hydrogels had good cytocompatibility, promoted endothelial cells migration and tube formation by releasing Si ion. In vitro antibacterial tests showed that 5 mol % CeO2-containing bioactive glass/GelMA (5/G) composite hydrogel exhibited excellent antibacterial properties. In vivo study demonstrated that the 5/G hydrogel could significantly improve wound healing in diabetic rats by accelerating the formation of granulation tissue, collagen deposition and angiogenesis. All in all, these results indicate that the 5/G hydrogel could enhance diabetic wound healing. Therefore, the development of multifunctional materials with antibacterial and angiogenic functions is of great significance to promote the repair of diabetic wound healing.Alterations in viscosity of biological fluids and tissues play an important role in health and diseases. It has been demonstrated that the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of a 13C-labeled trityl spin probe (13C-dFT) is highly sensitive to the local viscosity of its microenvironment. In the present study, we demonstrate that X-band (9.5 GHz) EPR viscometry using 13C-dFT provides a simple tool to accurately measure the microviscosity of human blood in microliter volumes obtained from healthy volunteers. An application of low-field L-band (1.2 GHz) EPR with a penetration depth of 1-2 cm allowed for microviscosity measurements using 13C-dFT in the living tissues from isolated organs and in vivo in anesthetized mice. In summary, this study demonstrates that EPR viscometry using a 13C-dFT probe can be used to noninvasively and rapidly measure the microviscosity of blood and interstitial fluids in living tissues and potentially to evaluate this biophysical marker of microenvironment under various physiological and pathological conditions in preclinical and clinical settings.Studies have shown that radiomic features are sensitive to the variability of imaging parameters (e.g., scanner models), and one of the major challenges in these studies lies in improving the robustness of quantitative features against the variations in imaging datasets from multi-center studies. Here, we assess the impact of scanner choice on computed tomography (CT)-derived radiomic features to predict the association of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with human papillomavirus (HPV). This experiment was performed on CT image datasets acquired from two different scanner manufacturers. We demonstrate strong scanner dependency by developing a machine learning model to classify HPV status from radiological images. These experiments reveal the effect of scanner manufacturer on the robustness of radiomic features, and the extent of this dependency is reflected in the performance of HPV prediction models. The results of this study highlight the importance of implementing an appropriate approach to reducing the impact of imaging parameters on radiomic features and consequently on the machine learning models, without removing features which are deemed non-robust but may contain learning information.