Proteins interact with metabolites, nucleic acids, and other proteins to orchestrate the myriad catalytic, structural and regulatory functions that support life from the simplest microbes to the most complex multicellular organisms. These molecular interactions are often exquisitely specific, but never perfectly so. Adventitious "promiscuous" interactions are ubiquitous due to the thousands of macromolecules and small molecules crowded together in cells. Such interactions may perturb protein function at the molecular level, but as long as they do not compromise organismal fitness, they will not be removed by natural selection. Although promiscuous interactions are physiologically irrelevant, they are important because they can provide a vast reservoir of potential functions that can provide the starting point for evolution of new functions, both in nature and in the laboratory. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.PURPOSE Artifacts caused by patient breathing and movement during PET data acquisition affect image quality. Respiratory gating is commonly used to gate the list-mode PET data into multiple bins over a respiratory cycle. Non-rigid registration of respiratory-gated PET images can reduce motion artifacts and preserve count statistics, but it is time consuming. In this work, we propose an unsupervised non-rigid image registration framework using deep learning for motion correction. METHODS Our network uses a differentiable spatial transformer layer to warp the moving image to the fixed image and use a stacked structure for deformation field refinement. Estimated deformation fields were incorporated into an iterative image reconstruction algorithm to perform motion compensated PET image reconstruction. We validated the proposed method using simulation and clinical data and implemented an iterative image registration for comparison. Motion compensated reconstructions were compared with ungated images. RESULTS Our ator