Brain networks are flexible and reconfigure over time to support ongoing cognitive processes. However, tracking statistically meaningful reconfigurations across time has proven difficult. This has to do largely with issues related to sampling variability, making instantaneous estimation of network organization difficult, along with increased reliance on task-free (cognitively unconstrained) experimental paradigms, limiting the ability to interpret the origin of changes in network structure over time. Here, we address these challenges using time-varying network analysis in conjunction with a naturalistic viewing paradigm. Specifically, we developed a measure of inter-subject network similarity and used this measure as a coincidence filter to identify synchronous fluctuations in network organization across individuals. Applied to movie-watching data, we found that periods of high inter-subject similarity coincided with reductions in network modularity and increased connectivity between cognitive systems. In contrast, low inter-subject similarity was associated with increased system segregation and more rest-like architectures. We then used a data-driven approach to uncover clusters of functional connections that follow similar trajectories over time and are more strongly correlated during movie-watching than at rest. Finally, we show that synchronous fluctuations in network architecture over time can be linked to a subset of features in the movie. Our findings link dynamic fluctuations in network integration and segregation to patterns of inter-subject similarity, and suggest that moment-to-moment fluctuations in functional connectivity reflect shared cognitive processing across individuals. It is well established that higher cognitive ability is associated with larger brain size. However, individual variation in intelligence exists despite brain size and recent studies have shown that a simple unifactorial view of the neurobiology underpinning cognitive ability is probably unrealistic. Educational attainment (EA) is often used as a proxy for cognitive ability since it is easily measured, resulting in large sample sizes and, consequently, sufficient statistical power to detect small associations. This study investigates the association between three global (total surface area (TSA), intra-cranial volume (ICV) and average cortical thickness) and 34 regional cortical measures with educational attainment using a polygenic scoring (PGS) approach. Analyses were conducted on two independent target samples of young twin adults with neuroimaging data, from Australia (N ​= ​1097) and the USA (N ​= ​723), and found that higher EA-PGS were significantly associated with larger global brain size measures, ICV and TSA (R2 ​= ​0.006 and 0.016 respectively, p ​ less then  ​0.001) but not average thickness. At the regional level, we identified seven cortical regions-in the frontal and temporal lobes-that showed variation in surface area and average cortical thickness over-and-above the global effect. These regions have been robustly implicated in language, memory, visual recognition and cognitive processing. Additionally, we demonstrate that these identified brain regions partly mediate the association between EA-PGS and cognitive test performance. Altogether, these findings advance our understanding of the neurobiology that underpins educational attainment and cognitive ability, providing focus points for future research. Understanding of the biology of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) has grown considerably since the nucleotide sequence of the viral RNA was determined. The ability to manipulate the intact genome and also to express specific parts of the genome individually has enabled detailed analyses of viral components, both RNA and protein. Such studies have identified the requirements for specific functional elements for virus replication and pathogenicity. Furthermore, information about the functions of individual virus proteins has enabled the rational design of cDNA cassettes to express non-infectious empty capsid particles that can induce protective immunity in the natural host animals and thus represent new vaccine candidates. Similarly, attempts to block specific virus activities using antiviral agents have also been performed. However, currently, only the well-established, chemically inactivated FMDV vaccines are commercially available and suitable for use to combat this important disease of livestock animals. These vaccines, despite certain shortcomings, have been used very successfully (e.g. in Europe) to control the disease but it still remains endemic in much of Africa, southern Asia and the Middle East. Hence there remains a significant risk of reintroduction of the disease into highly susceptible animal populations with enormous economic consequences. MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs playing an important role in host response to pathogenic infection. Here we show that IBDV infection induced the demethylation of the pre-miR-27 promoter and upregulated gga-miR-27b-3p expression. We found that ectopic expression of miR-27b-3p in DF-1 cells enhanced the expression of chicken IFN-β, IRF3 and NF-κB, via directly targeting cellular suppressors of cytokine signaling 3 and 6 (SOCS3 and 6), inhibiting IBDV replication in host cells, while inhibition of endogenous miR-27b-3p by its inhibitors suppressed the expression of IFN-β, IRF3 and NF-κB, enhancing SOCS3 and 6 expressions and facilitating IBDV replication. Furthermore, transfection of DF-1 cells with miR-27b-3p markedly increased phosphorylation of STAT1 on Tyr701 in cells post chIFN-γ treatment. On the contrary, inhibition of endogenous miR-27b-3p reduced phosphorylation of STAT1 on Tyr701 in cells with chIFN-γ treatment. These findings indicate that gga-miR-27b-3p serves as an inducible antiviral mediator in host response to IBDV infection. Orf, a poxviral skin infection of small ruminants is caused by orf virus (ORFV) of the genus Parapoxvirus of the Poxviridae family. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an important virulence factor that is responsible for proliferative lesions in parapoxviral infections. VEGF gene shows high intra- and inter-species variability. Two variants of VEGF have been described globally in ORFV, viz. NZ2- and NZ7-like. In the present study, ORFV isolates of different geographic regions of India were analysed on the basis of the VEGF gene. Indian ORFV isolates showed 95.7-100% nucleotide (nt) and 78.4-99.3% amino acid (aa) identity with each other, except ORFV-Assam/LK/14 and ORFV-Meghalaya/03 which shared 85.1-88.35% and 79.1-81.8% identity, at nt and aa levels, respectively with other Indian ORFV isolates. All Indian ORFVs under the study demonstrated 83.5-99.1% nt and 80.5-97.9% aa identity with NZ7-like VEGF as compared to 41.2-44.8% nt and 30.7-38.4% aa identity with NZ2-like VEGF on comparison with global ORFV strains.