In this paper, we report on a study of visual representations for cyclical data and the effect of interactively wrapping a bar chart `around its boundaries'. Compared to linear bar chart, polar (or radial) visualisations have the advantage that cyclical data can be presented continuously without mentally bridging the visual `cut' across the left-and-right boundaries. To investigate this hypothesis and to assess the effect the cut has on analysis performance, this paper presents results from a crowdsourced, controlled experiment with 72 participants comparing new continuous panning technique to linear bar charts (interactive wrapping). Our results show that bar charts with interactive wrapping lead to less errors compared to standard bar charts or polar charts. Inspired by these results, we generalise the concept of interactive wrapping to other visualisations for cyclical or relational data. We describe a design space based on the concept of one-dimensional wrapping and two-dimensional wrapping, linked to two common 3D topologies; cylinder and torus that can be used to metaphorically explain one- and two-dimensional wrapping. This design space suggests that interactive wrapping is widely applicable to many different data types.Visual Question Answering systems target answering open-ended textual questions given input images. They are a testbed for learning high-level reasoning with a primary use in HCI, for instance assistance for the visually impaired. Recent research has shown that state-of-the-art models tend to produce answers exploiting biases and shortcuts in the training data, and sometimes do not even look at the input image, instead of performing the required reasoning steps. We present VisQA, a visual analytics tool that explores this question of reasoning vs. bias exploitation. It exposes the key element of state-of-the-art neural models - attention maps in transformers. Our working hypothesis is that re