Mechanistically, bioinformatics analysis further revealed that PLOD1 expression was closely associated with the NF-κB signaling pathway. Besides, we also found that hypoxic environments also enhanced the tumor-promoting effects of PLOD1. In conclusion, overexpression of PLOD1 may be an important factor in the enhanced invasiveness and MES transition of GBM. Thus, PLOD1 is a potential treatment target for mesenchymal GBM or even all GBM.Previous studies studying mis-splicing mutations were based on exome data and thus our current knowledge is largely limited to exons and the canonical splice sites. To comprehensively characterise intronic mis-splicing mutations, we analysed 1134 pan-cancer whole genomes and transcriptomes together with 3022 normal control samples. The ratio-based splicing analysis resulted in 678 somatic intronic mutations, with 46% residing in deep introns. Among the 309 deep intronic single nucleotide variants, 245 altered core splicing codes, with 38% activating cryptic splice sites, 12% activating cryptic polypyrimidine tracts, and 36% and 12% disrupting authentic polypyrimidine tracts and branchpoints, respectively. All the intronic cryptic splice sites were created at pre-existing GT/AG dinucleotides or by GC-to-GT conversion. Notably, 85 deep intronic mutations indicated gain of splicing enhancers or loss of splicing silencers. We found that 64 tumour suppressors were affected by intronic mutations and blood cancers showed higher proportion of deep intronic mutations. In particular, a telomere maintenance gene, POT1, was recurrently mis-spliced by deep intronic mutations in blood cancers. We validated a pseudoexon activation involving a splicing silencer in POT1 by CRISPR/Cas9. Our results shed light on previously unappreciated mechanisms by which noncoding mutations acting on splicing codes in deep introns contribute to tumourigenesis.Steroid regulated cancer cells use nuclear receptors and associated regulatory proteins to orchestrate transcriptional networks to drive disease progression. In primary breast cancer, the coactivator AIB1 promotes estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity to enhance cell proliferation. The function of the coactivator in ER+ metastasis however is not established. Here we describe AIB1 as a survival factor, regulator of pro-metastatic transcriptional pathways and a promising actionable target. Genomic alterations and functional expression of AIB1 associated with reduced disease-free survival in patients and enhanced metastatic capacity in novel CDX and PDX ex-vivo models of ER+ metastatic disease. Comparative analysis of the AIB1 interactome with complementary RNAseq characterized AIB1 as a transcriptional repressor. Specifically, we report that AIB1 interacts with MTA2 to form a repressive complex, inhibiting CDH1 (encoding E-cadherin) to promote EMT and drive progression. We further report that pharmacological and genetic inhibition of AIB1 demonstrates significant anti-proliferative activity in patient-derived models establishing AIB1 as a viable strategy to target endocrine resistant metastasis. This work defines a novel role for AIB1 in the regulation of EMT through transcriptional repression in advanced cancer cells with a considerable implication for prognosis and therapeutic interventions.Bone metastasis remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity in breast cancer. Therefore, there is an urgent need to better select high-risk patients in order to adapt patient's treatment and prevent bone recurrence. Here, we found that integrin alpha5 (ITGA5) was highly expressed in bone metastases, compared to lung, liver, or brain metastases. High ITGA5 expression in primary tumors correlated with the presence of disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow aspirates from early stage breast cancer patients (n = 268; p = 0.039). ITGA5 was also predictive of poor bone metastasis-free survival in two separate clinical data sets (n = 855, HR = 1.36, p = 0.018 and n = 427, HR = 1.62, p = 0.024). This prognostic value remained significant in multivariate analysis (p = 0.028). Experimentally, ITGA5 silencing impaired tumor cell adhesion to fibronectin, migration, and survival. ITGA5 silencing also reduced tumor cell colonization of the bone marrow and formation of osteolytic lesions in vivo. Conversely, ITGA5 overexpression promoted bone metastasis. Pharmacological inhibition of ITGA5 with humanized monoclonal antibody M200 (volociximab) recapitulated inhibitory effects of ITGA5 silencing on tumor cell functions in vitro and tumor cell colonization of the bone marrow in vivo. M200 also markedly reduced tumor outgrowth in experimental models of bone metastasis or tumorigenesis, and blunted cancer-associated bone destruction. ITGA5 was not only expressed by tumor cells but also osteoclasts. In this respect, M200 decreased human osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in vitro. Overall, this study identifies ITGA5 as a mediator of breast-to-bone metastasis and raises the possibility that volociximab/M200 could be repurposed for the treatment of ITGA5-positive breast cancer patients with bone metastases.Integrins are cell adhesion receptors, which are typically transmembrane glycoproteins that connect to the extracellular matrix (ECM). The function of integrins regulated by biochemical events within the cells. Understanding the mechanisms of cell growth by integrins is important in elucidating their effects on tumor progression. One of the major events in integrin signaling is integrin binding to extracellular ligands. Another event is distant signaling that gathers chemical signals from outside of the cell and transmit the signals upon cell adhesion to the inside of the cell. In normal breast tissue, integrins function as checkpoints to monitor effects on cell proliferation, while in cancer tissue these functions altered. The combination of tumor microenvironment and its associated components determines the cell fate. Hypoxia can increase the expression of several integrins. The exosomal integrins promote the growth of metastatic cells. Expression of certain integrins is associated with increased metastasis and decreased prognosis in cancers.