The exactly solvable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model has recently received considerable attention in both condensed matter and high energy physics because it describes quantum matter without quasiparticles, while being at the same time the holographic dual of a quantum black hole. In this Letter, we examine SYK-based charging protocols of quantum batteries with N quantum cells. Extensive numerical calculations based on exact diagonalization for N up to 16 strongly suggest that the optimal charging power of our SYK quantum batteries displays a superextensive scaling with N that stems from genuine quantum mechanical effects. While the complexity of the nonequilibrium SYK problem involved in the charging dynamics prevents us from an analytical proof, we believe that this Letter offers the first (to the best of our knowledge) strong numerical evidence of a quantum advantage occurring due to the maximally entangling underlying quantum dynamics.We present the first analytical results for the O(αα_s) corrections to the total cross section for the inclusive production of an on-shell Z boson at hadron colliders. We include the complete set of contributions, with photonic and massive weak gauge boson effects, which have been computed in analytical form and expressed in terms of polylogarithmic and elliptic integrals. We present numerical results, relevant for the precision studies at the LHC. These corrections increase the accuracy of the predictions and contribute to the reduction of the QCD component of the theoretical uncertainty.Quantum teleportation provides a way to transmit unknown quantum states from one location to another. In the quantum world, multilevel systems which enable high-dimensional systems are more prevalent. Therefore, to completely rebuild the quantum states of a single particle remotely, one needs to teleport multilevel (high-dimensional) states. Here, we demonstrate the teleportation of high-dimensional