The development of the research is that we incorporate the powerful modelling which may be applied when it comes to deformation analysis while the break detection where a deep understanding technique is required to acknowledge the tunnel cracks intelligently according to picture sensors. In this study, experiments were conducted on a subway tunnel structure several kilometers very long, and a robust three-dimensional model is produced and also the cracks are identified immediately using the image information. The superiority for this suggestion is that the comprehensive information of geometry deformation and crack harm can ensure the reliability and increase the accuracy of health monitoring.Prolonged or intense contact with heat can lead to a variety of health effects. This research investigated heat publicity and heat-related symptoms which sugarcane employees (90 sugarcane cutters and 93 factory employees) experienced during a harvesting season in Thailand. During the hottest thirty days of harvesting season, wet-bulb globe heat was gathered in the work place, and workloads observed, to evaluate heat tension. Urine examples for dehydration test, blood pressure levels, heart rate, and the body temperature were calculated pre- and post-shift to measure temperature strain. Liquid intake and heat-related symptoms which topics had skilled through the harvesting period were gathered via interviews at the end of the season. Through the outcomes, sugarcane blades showed high-risk for temperature anxiety and strain, unlike factory employees that has reasonable threat based on the United states Conference of political Industrial Hygiene (ACGIH) threshold limitation values (TLVs) for heat tension. Dehydration was observed among sugarcane blades and considerable physiological modifications including heartbeat, body's temperature, and systolic blood circulation pre