calcium, fruits, and vegetables and contains too much added sugar, saturated and trans fats, and processed foods. In addition, more severe PAD, greater inflammation, and ambulatory dysfunction are independently associated with aspects of a low-nutrient-dense diet, such as too much intake of added sugars, low intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and folate, and meeting the recommended intakes of only five or fewer nutrients. OBJECTIVE The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to investigate the outcome of rectus femoris muscle flaps (RFFs) for deep groin wound complications in vascular surgery patients and to compare the outcome with a cohort of sartorius muscle flaps (SMFs) because the RFF is a promising alternative technique for groin coverage. METHODS All RFFs and SMFs performed by vascular surgeons in a regional collaboration in The Southern Netherlands were retrospectively reviewed. Primary outcomes were muscle flap survival, overall and secondary graft salvage, and limb salvage. Secondary outcomes were 30-day groin wound complications and mortality, donor site and vascular complications, 1-year amputation-free survival, overall patient survival, impaired knee extensor function, and length of hospital stay. RESULTS A total of 96 RFFs were performed in 88 patients (mean age, 68 years; 67% male) and compared with a cohort of 30 SMFs in 28 patients (mean age, 64 years; 77% male). At a mean follow-up of 29 months and 23 months, respectively, comparable flap survival (94% vs 90%), secondary graft salvage (80% vs 92%), and limb salvage (89% vs 90%) rates were found. The 30-day mortality rates were 12% and 17%, respectively, and the 1-year amputation-free survival was comparable between treatment groups (71% vs 68%). CONCLUSIONS This study presents a large series of RFFs for deep groin wound complications after vascular surgery. We demonstrate that muscle flap coverage using the rectus femoris muscle by vascular surgeons is an effective way to manage complex groin wound infections in a challenging group of patients, achieving similarly good results as the SMF. Stroke is an uncommon presentation in young adults, with different causes and risks factors implicated. Cardiogenic cerebral embolus is one of the most common causes in younger patients and must be considered in the investigation of young patients presenting with stroke. The authors describe a case of a young patient presenting with stroke as a result of distal embolization from a previously undiagnosed congenital mitral valve defect. The mechanistic (or mammalian) Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1) is a central regulator of cell growth and metabolism. By integrating mitogenic signals, mTORC1-dependent phosphorylation of substrates dictates the balance between anabolic, pro-growth and catabolic, recycling processes in the cell. The discovery that amino acids activate mTORC1 by promoting its translocation to the lysosome was a fundamental advance in the understanding of mTORC1 signalling. It has since become clear that the lysosome-cytoplasm shuttling of mTORC1 represents just one layer of spatial control of this signalling pathway. This review will focus on exploring the subcellular localisation of mTORC1 and its regulators to multiple sites within the cell. We will discuss how these spatially distinct regions such as endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane and the endosomal pathway co-operate to transduce nutrient availability to mTORC1, allowing for tight control of cell growth. BACKGROUND Lymph node invasion (LNI) at nephrectomy is one of the most important predictors of mortality in patients with nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We analyzed the effect of histology on lymph node metastases at nephrectomy and its effect on survival in a contemporary cohort of patients with nonmetastatic RCC. METHODS Within the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (2004-2015), we identified 100,060 patients with clear-cell, papillary, chromophobe, sarcomatoid, and collecting duct RCC, who underwent nephrectomy with or without lymph node dissection for nonmetastatic RCC. Logistic regression models, cumulative incidence plots, and competing-risks regression models were performed. RESULTS Overall, 10,590 patients underwent lymph node dissection for nonmetastatic RCC. Of these, LNI was recorded in 52 (7.0%), 615 (8.7%), 282 (13.9%), 316 (25.1%), 129 (38.3%), 45 (71.4%) patients with chromophobe, clear-cell, nonotherwise specified RCC, papillary, sarcomatoid, and collecting duct RCC histological subtypes, respectively. In logistic regression models, relative to clear-cell, papillary Odds ratio (OR 3.9), sarcomatoid (OR 6.3), collecting duct (OR 14.6) but not chromophobe RCC (OR 0.9; P = 0.5) independently predicted LNI at surgery. Moreover, in competing-risks regression models, LNI increased the risk of CSM 1.8-fold for sarcomatoid, 3.6-fold for clear-cell, 4.1-fold for papillary, and 6.7-fold for chromophobe histological subtype. CONCLUSIONS Histology is an independent predictor of increased risk of LNI at nephrectomy. Moreover, the effect of pathological nodal stage on survival differs according to different histology. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) for bladder cancer was published in 2014 with updated annotation of over 400 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) in 2017. This tremendous work established the foundation of the genomic landscape of MIBC. The next steps to utilize information from The Cancer Genome Atlas is to (1) identify the causes of mutation, (2) determine the significant differences and sources of heterogeneity, and (3) apply these tools toward patient care. In this review, we discuss the full spectrum of the genomic landscape of MIBC toward the goal of therapeutic application. PURPOSE To compare and evaluate pain and healing following orthodontic tooth extraction using Low Level Laser Therapy [LLLT] and Cryotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS 62 patients referred for orthodontic extraction of bilateral bicuspids were included. Subjects were alternatively divided into two groups with 31 patients each. One of the bilateral extraction sites was subjected to either intervention, LLLT or Cryotherapy, while the other site was kept as control. Pain was assessed for 7 consecutive days by Visual Analogue Scale and Wound healing on 4th, 7th and 14th days using a modified wound healing scale. RESULTS Pain scores were generally better for Group I [LLLT] when compared to Group II [Cryotherapy] on all days. The highest mean score for pain observed on the 1st post-extraction day was 4.00 ± 0.93 and 4.16 ± 0.93 for Group I and Group II respectively [p = 0.42]. It was also observed that LLLT helped in better wound healing as compared to cryotherapy with a significant difference in wound healing on 7th [mean score for Group I and Group II- 1.